A Ministry of End Time Church

Your financial donations will help us find other home church leaders seeking to be a part of a network of leaders. Each donation will help build this network and tailor unique training material for new home church leaders. With your help, we will accomplish our vision of establishing and networking with a home church in every state and nation by November 2029. Our success depends on your generosity. The Home Church Initiative falls under End Time Church's 501(c)3 status.
Your financial donations enables us to provide resources and training to home church leaders and aspiring home church leaders. It also helps us to connect with more leaders, and influences the destiny of countless believers who fellowship in home churches globally. Will you partner with us?
If you are an experienced home church leader and would like to volunteer to be a mentor to aspiring or new home church leaders, let us know! We are looking for seasoned home church leaders to help us.
Join the Home Church Initiative
If you are a new home church leader or seeking to start a home church, we are here for you. With our network of experience leaders, we can help you navigate through the often rocky waters of launching a new ministry. You don't have to feel like you're alone. We are here to help you.
We know that Jesus' return is closer today than it was yesterday. As such, the need for Christians to be unified is greater than it has ever been. This unity will be defined by our bond in Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit, not by the ecumenical movement traditional church leaders have proposed. As more and more people leave the traditional church, they will need somewhere to fellowship and be discipled. Each home church within this network strives to be a biblical church identified by biblical discipleship. The Home Church Initiative grows when you are involved. You can help us grow by sharing this network with other home church leaders, or aspiring home ministry leaders. Your tax deductible donation will help us reach further into the world to find home church leaders and future home church leaders to bring them into the network, where they will receive vital training and resources that will equip them to disciple hungry believers fleeing the barrenness of traditional churches.